Monday, December 21, 2009

What can be used to restrict capilleries? As in creams, ointments or drops?

In America you can buy Visine eye drops which contain a chemical that restricts capilleries and reduces redness. The same happens to spots of your face, the redness is reduced.

Because I can't afford to pay 拢30 shipping fees for a 拢4 bottle of visine I was wondering if there are any equivelant products avaliable in the UK?What can be used to restrict capilleries? As in creams, ointments or drops?
The ingredients in Visine eye drops - naphazoline hydrochloride 0.25mg/ml and phenirimine maleate 3mg/ml

There doesn't seem to be a UK equivalent although you can buy Visine online from ebay and a French pharmacy.

The nearest seem to be drops called Murine which contain naphazoline hydrochloride 0.012%.

Pheniramine is listed as an antihistamine, again not sold over the counter in UK.

Antihistamine eye drops called Otrivine are sold in most pharmacies though.

If you do buy both ask the pharmacist how to use them (ie are they safe to use at the same time etc).What can be used to restrict capilleries? As in creams, ointments or drops?
Hamamelis (witch hazel) is the best natural treatment for redness. I find that it helps with red spots.
I doubt america has the market on all eye drops.

Just go to a store that has a pharmacy or eye product section and look or ask for drops that clear red eyes.

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