Tuesday, December 15, 2009

Have you ever mistaken ointment, skin cream, or something else in a tube for toothpaste ?

not me, but I have a friend that comes to town for fishing once a year. he is very sweet old man with bad eye sight, it worries me that he travels alone! so i visit and bring food for him after work I also check to see if he needed anything. one day he told me he had stomach problems and asked me to go to the pharmacy and buy Hemorrhoid cream I bought a tube and took it to his hotel.

the next day I took a bowl of soup to him, but he was having a hard time eating it because his dentures kept on falling off, so he asked me to go to the pharmacy and buy him a new tube of denture cream., before I left he told me not to buy the same brand he had because it didn't`t work so he reach in his pocket and out he took the tube of hemorrhoid cream! he used it on his dentures because he could not see the brand! it broke my hart! I felt so bad for him and so upset at his family back in the US for letting him travel alone!! Have you ever mistaken ointment, skin cream, or something else in a tube for toothpaste ?
Not toothpaste, but my sweet grandmother once mistook body wash for lotion and put it all over her legs. A few hours later they were so dry and flaky where she rubbed it in really good. Poor thing!!!Have you ever mistaken ointment, skin cream, or something else in a tube for toothpaste ?
Your not alone my friend...

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